Monday, August 27, 2018



Last year I titled the blog post 2018 MISSION:RHODELL & BEYOND; well, we went beyond.  More on that later.  In usual fashion the trip started with a hitch...or two.  It's almost reaching the point that it's normal; I'm starting to expect the hitches because we get to see how the Lord is going to work through what we see as inconveniences.

We left First Baptist Church in one of the 15 passenger buses.  On our way to Bethany Missionary Baptist Church, Kay (he was driving the bus) said the check engine light came on.  A quick huddle, once we arrived, and it was decided we would take the bus back to the dealership where it had been serviced.  As we got back to Smithfield, it was decided everyone would be dropped off at Chick-fil-A while the bus was looked over.  Kay returned with bad news.  We would have to go back to the church and get a bigger bus!  Upon our return, with the heat starting to set in, we had to form up and start getting luggage and supplies (including 180 boxes of Kool-Aid pouch drinks!) off one bus and on the other.  Things went well once we got in the flow; turn around time, 30 minutes.  Pretty good!  Off we go to catch up with the rest of the group.

About an hour and a half later we hit the exit ramp to the truck stop where the rest of the groups is waiting.  I look to my right, out the window and I see the back trailer door open with boxes and a spare tire, and coolers on the pavement.  What now?!  We park and unload.  I meet up with Pastor Daniel to see what happened.  Something about the way the load was packed was causing the trailer to shimmy when big trucks passed.  So, some of us worked on repositioning and moving a few things onto the bus (good thing we got a bigger bus).  A little time to rest for those of us who worked on the trailer and we were on our way.

Looking at my phone, we hit Beckley at around 5 p.m.  Some of the group went out to eat, others hung out at the hotel to unwind; devotion was at 7:30 p.m. (Keep your eyes open, see God at work)
While waiting for the others to come back from dinner, I asked the desk clerk if the hotel had a meeting room where our group could meet (I seem to remember we used one two years ago).  He said they don't have a meeting room, but we were welcome to use the dinning area in the lobby.  Evelyn did an ice breaker game to help us get to know each other then I did devotion.  After everyone dispersed, Evelyn, Bethany and I were still in the dinning area when this couple and their teenage daughter came up to us and asked if we were the group that had the two trailers full of bikes.  We shared what we were doing in West Virginia and he told us they were originally from West Virginia and were back here visiting; they are connected to a nearby church of substantial size.  I proceeded to share of my vision about starting a tutoring program at the community building in Rhodell.  He shared that the church was into a lot of outreach ministries and might be willing to support a tutoring program!

Here are some things Bethany pieced together about the way the day unfolded.  Our bus had to be exchanged (delay), the load in the trailer had to be repositioned (delay), we were told there is no meeting room which put us in the lobby (location); and we, "by chance" meet up with a family that is connected to a local church that may be able to support a tutoring program!  Thank you, Jesus!

Someone had mentioned the weather forecast calling for rain.  I had just finished reading in a chapter from a book titled, "The Spiritual Secrets of Hudson Taylor" how he had seen the power of the Lord exhibited in stopping a storm and changing the direction of the wind (among other things).  Pastor Daniel, who was pulling the trailer, had noticed one of the tires slowly losing air during the trip. So, somehow, someone in our group, last night, connected with a local mechanic saying they would do it for free!  It was expected they would be at the motel changing the tire while we were doing our devotion.  Well, that didn't happen; so we headed to Wal-Mart while Pastor Daniel waited.

From the time we arrived at Whitby dark clouds crept over the tree tops.  Not dark clouds with lightning, but gray enough that the humidity in the air let you know something had to give.  Pastor Daniel was on his way with the trailer.So we go about setting up what we could without the...wait, is that raindrops I feel?  Move forward in faith.  We got the propane burner set up to start boiling water for the spaghetti while the registration table was getting prepared.  Pastor Jeff and his wife Dolly were very helpful in getting things set up.  The crowd developed slowly, but that's good because now that the trailer is here we can start setting up the canopies and VBS material...more rain drops.  "Jesus, You know why we are doing this; to glorify You.  Please hold the rain."

We had four VBS stations and people rotated through half of the stations when lunch was ready.  Spaghetti w/sauce and a piece of bread, cucumber slices or baby carrots, and drinks.  Unfortunately, with spaghetti y'all can guess what was bound to happen.  The good news is there was only one spill. Overall, the rest of the afternoon went well.  The talent show for local residence to show their talent, giving of backpacks with school supplies, a bag of groceries, and a bicycle.  During this time we put up some soccer goals in the field.

As we were giving the backpack and other things to those who participated the clean up process was getting started.  We got things packed up by 4:30 pm and spent some time chatting with Pastor Jeff and Dolly.  At about 4:40 pm the rain started to let go!  We had just enough time to get in our vehicles and be on our way!  Back at the hotel we prepared to go out to eat, came back for devotion (this was about Abraham being given a covenant promise from God.  Point was, Abraham didn't have to do anything to obtain it; just move forward in faith that the Lord has provided).

This is an interesting day.  This is the third year we've had the same core group of people on the mission team.  So everyone know what to expect about the environment, about how we do things, and what needs to happen to get the job done.  So this year we stretched it out a little.  Most of the team stayed in Mullens, at The United Methodist Church, while a small contingent went to Rhodell to prep and paint The Open Door.  So, in preparation for this we had asked Marie, about a week ago, if some of the people from the Rhodell Fire Dept. could help.  Marie said there should be a couple from the fire department and some other men from the town; cool, we got manpower.  So, after breakfast Stephen and I headed to Lowe's for paint supplies while Kay drove the bus with the rest of the group to Mullens.  Stephan and I would swing by to pick up Kay then head to Rhodell to start prepping and painting.

Lowe's was uneventful.  We get to Mullens and the team is getting things set up in the kitchen and elsewhere.  Where's the hamberger?!  The hamburger for the taco's had been left behind.  Plans were made to deal with that, then Stephen, Kay and I were on our way with 4 of our youth.  Did we pick up the paint supplies brought by someone on our mission team?!  Fortunately we hadn't left town yet; so a quick turn around back to the church for the painting item and off we go.

Upon arrival in Rhodell we assess the situation and find we are faced with a challenge.  The fire department couldn't make it, there were piles of "donated" things against the walls, and our crew was three local teens and a seven year old.  I can not deny that what ran through my head were thoughts that we would not finish well; albeit briefly.

Well, first thing was prep, and Kay got us moving in an orderly manner.  Sweep walls and ledges, lay down a drop cloth, and pour the paint.  Not much to tell at this point - it's painting.  I will say this, our youth crew, both the youth on the mission team and the local boys, worked hard.  Brandon, Luis, Zach, and Justin (the 7 year old) were worthy of compensation for their efforts.  I had an appointment at 3 pm; so, at 1:30 I headed over to Mullens with Paul to pick up some hot dogs and hamburgers from the DQ.  When we got back I saw how Kay worked one part of the interior that was hard to reach.  On one side of the wall is a large wooden coatrack/shelf unit that could not be moved away from the wall.  We walk in and there's Justin, up on top of the unit just painting away; getting what no one else could get to.  God knew exactly who was needed for this job!  Meanwhile, back at Mullens...

…the usual routine of getting things in place and starting the VBS stations.  The kitchen crew was busy working on a taco lunch.  Other than not being able to do a talent show the afternoon activities went well.  Backpacks with school supplies, food bags, and bicycles were given to those who participated.  One thing that made the work in Rhodell possible was the help of some United Methodist Church members.  They helped with registration and other ways to help things run smoothly.  Meanwhile, back at Shady Springs...

...I was meeting with a man from one of the local Baptist churches who we met last year.  He told us about a camp area their church has that we could rent to help offset our lodging cost.  The accommodations were good, but the location being further east and about 30 minutes south would add logistical complications.  Meanwhile, back at Mullens...

...Bridget and the crew were checking out a facility in Mullens that we might be able to use; again, we have to consider the logistical matters.  We've become dependent on the morning Wal-Mart run.  It's good that we are starting to address ways to keep the cost under control.

We all made it back to the hotel.  Got something to eat, then finished our day with devotion given by Karen on patience and celebrating Pastor Daniel's birthday to close out our evening.

After devotion in the front parking lot, some of us had to return to the hotel.  After returning and getting ready to roll out, Bethany spoke up with, "Did we remember the gallon of home-made taco sauce?!  At least our ability to remember is getting more proximal with each passing day.  I jumped out of the bus, heading between two vehicles, back to our hotel room.  On my way back to the bus, I found myself choosing to walk between two different vehicles (one of which was the pick up truck pulling the trailer - what's that?  The tires were still chalked!).  I notified Pastor Daniel, chalks removed, and we're on our way.  Finally, some beneficial reason for forgetting something.

Rolling into Rhodell and getting things set seemed to flow much better.  Propane stove was set up and vegetables were being prepped; meanwhile in the other bay VBS stations were getting ready.  Lunch was served: tacos with fixin's, strawberries, bread sticks pieces, chips with salsa.  After lunch was the talent show.  Travis played guitar, Lexi sand with Travis and Zach playing guitar, and seven year old Nevaeh displayed her gymnastic skills, along with several others.  The talent show is one of the highlights of the day.  To bring our day to a close we gave out backpacks with school supplies to those who participated, a bag of food and a bicycle.  This all sounds uneventful but there was a certain "harmony" in the way things came together on this day.

On this day we had two more birthdays to celebrate.  We did that in the morning (yes, with birthday cake; and there is a reason birthday cake is not a breakfast food).  For our final stop we served a simple meal of hot dogs with fixin's to include chili.  Pastor Daniel gave a powerful message of redemption that included those who may have made a decision to follow Christ and have drifted away.  There were three or four people asking for prayer and had a time of fellowship with some of the other people.  By about 1 p.m. we were on the road again headed home.