Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fund Raiser

We had an opportunity to do a fund raiser at SweetFrog (a yogurt place).  First, thank you to everyone who helped out.  If there is one thing that is constantly demonstrated in doing mission work is the fact that not one person can do it all.  It really brings out what the Apostle Paul writes when he talks about the body of Christ and comparing that with a human body.  Some of us are hands, some eyes, some legs; separately we flounder but together, in a coordinated manner we can do great things for the Lord.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our Preparations Hit The Home Stretch

I start by saying what an AWESOME God we serve!!!
We had our final mission team meeting and it seemed like so many things came together tonight.  One team member has been blessed with extra finances while some others have had to drop out the Lord has brought in new people.  A new team member has found an on-line funding source so I was up til 5 am this morning typing narrative for the webpage ( / Loaves & Fishes for West Virginia).  Well, we had to go to worship service (it was a blessing), came home and it felt like we had to go to the meeting (as the coordinators we provided something to eat, and Evelyn had worked last night) - what's the big deal?  I still had no agenda!!!  Literally my family was waiting on me as I coached the last page of the agenda to come out of the copier (Hot off the press).

Thank you Jesus and thank you to those who are praying for us.  May the Lord richly bless you.